Bowser Group Awarded NIH Grant

The Bowser group was recently awarded a $1.25 million NIH grant: Online Affinity Micro Free Flow Electrophoresis Assays for Continuous Monitoring of Biochemical Messengers!

Funding Agency:  National Institutes of Health (NIGMS)

Amount:  $1.25 million

Our goal is to develop an online, flow-through, affinity assay that can continuously monitor the efflux of biochemical messengers from dynamically changing biological systems in real time.  Microfluidic integration of a perfusion chamber, online mixing of affinity reagents and continuous micro free flow electrophoresis (µFFE) separations will directly address limitations that have prevented the development of time responsive affinity-based assays to date.  Continuous affinity µFFE assays will enable researchers to study how biochemical messenger systems (i.e. neurotransmission, energy regulation and immune response) change over time or respond to external stimuli.

uFFE Schematic