Bowser Lab
General Page Body

Welcome to the Bowser Group!

Research in the Bowser group takes a bioanalytical approach to technology development. We develop methods and instrumentation to measure biological systems at scales and timeframes not accessible by existing techniques. These versatile technologies can be applied to answer a wide range of chemical and biological questions, from those with specific biomedical implications in neurology, immunology, cardiology, and endocrinology, to those with broader insight on the origins and organization of life.

Current areas of focus combine microfluidics, electrophoresis, nucleic acid assays, and cell culture. Check out the Research Page for an overview of our current projects!



Recent News

3M Poster Session

Gretchen presented her latest uFFE work at the 3M Poster Session on campus last week! The University, in partnership with 3M, hosts this annual event as an  opportunity for grad students and post-docs to share their research with industry-minded executives, scientists, and engineers from 3M.

Gretchen stands in front of her research poster.

Pittcon 2024

Gretchen traveled to San Diego last week to present her research at the 75th Annual Pittcon Conference, where she gave an oral presentation on her research progress, “An Online Micro Free Flow Electrophoresis Platform for Continuous Monitoring of Peptide Messengers.” It was a great week hearing from other analytical chemists and exploring San Diego with some Bühlmann & Stein group members!

San Diego Group Photos

Welcome New Students!

The Bowser group is happy to welcome our new first year graduate students, Sandra, Jaya, and Jordan to the group! They'll be working on micro free flow electrophoresis and droplet microfluidics projects, and we're so excited to have them!

New Student Photo

Check out more Bowser lab news and research updates on our full News Page!

Group Photo Grid